To my Handsome...

Thank you for coming into my life when you did...

Thank you for standing by my side when I faced obstacles that had nothing to do with didn't matter what the problem was; you still chose to hold my hand when I felt everything was falling apart.You didn't have to take on issues that weren't your own, and you didn't have to be supportive when it wasn't your responsibility. Still, your presence was the very reason I believed I could make it through...

Thank you for creating memories with me that I couldn't imagine making with anyone else...
Thank you for staying up late to talk to me about life...
Thank you for coming with me to explore the newness...and for showing me what things I might have been missing that were right in front of me...💓 

Thank you for loving me even when I felt unlovable...
For knowing who I am as a person and never giving up on me, even if it seemed easier at the time...
Thank you for cheering me on when I couldn't take another step...
and for being my biggest supporter through everything...💓 

Thank you for choosing to be in my life...again and again...                                                                                                      


  1. Walk in front..heads up
    Behind you all the time
    Holding u whenever the journey gets tough
    Light u through the darkness
    And no evil will follow us
    Together we go more n strong

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Are you talking about me? 😜



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